Tuesday, September 18

My Life || My Family

Okay, sorry folks it's time for me to brag a little :) 
Way back in August (I'm a little behind on these posts) I spent one amazing week in Massachusetts; it was probably my favorite week I spent the whole summer! 
My dad and Melissa just celebrated their 10th anniversary this summer, congrats to them! My little brothers, Mason & Keegan, are growing up to be some seriously amazing boys. I can't believe Mason started Middle School already?! What!? Where does time go? He also is one amazing dancer if you didn't already know that, and it's exciting to watch him grow with that-it clearly is his passion and it's fun to watch him follow his dream! And Keegan is one sports mania, he's currently full time QB for his football team and I hear he's a pretty awesome catcher for baseball! I'm one proud sister! ;) And Madison, oh little Madison. She is such a squeeze! Her smile is so contagious and she definitely keeps you running on your toes! I don't think I've ever laughed so much in one week. 
Of course I wish I could be out there more often to watch all of them grow, but it's always always fun to catch up on it every time I see them! Before I took the Blumer Family Photo's we snuck to the Grist Mill as well to have some of our own family pictures! A huge thanks to Tina Blumer Photography for snapping a few of our own family for us! (It's always weird to be the one in front of the camera!) I may be bias, but I have one beautiful family though! Enjoy :)

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