Friday, April 19

The Simple Seed! || Family Dinner

Good morning & Happy Friday!
 I want to dedicate some time to tell you about my friend, Christine. 
Maybe you know her? She's really cool. :)

I've known Christine for quite some time because we graduated together.. But, it isn't tell recently that I feel like I've really gotten to know her, especially her passion and dreams. Christine and I met for breakfast at few weeks back, to talk about something that she is so incredibly passionate about: being gluten free. Through her deliciously, yummy looking Instagram posts, I've always had an idea that Christine loves her gluten free foods...but it wasn't until she showed up to breakfast with this packet of like 6, HAND WRITTEN pages with examples of gluten free foods, questions, meal plans, and why I should be gluten free that I realized Christine, really loves her gluten free foods. 

But it's not that she just loves her gluten free foods, she is passionate about being gluten free. Her passion radiates as she shares it with others too: through her blog (, twitter (@thesimpleseed), bringing strawberry gluten free muffins randomly to friend's apartments, meeting personally with people to talk about being gluten free, and then hosting a really delicious family dinner. 

I think it's safe to say that Christine has 3 ultimate goals: 
1) Be Gluten Free & healthy.
2) Help other people feel good and get healthy.
3) And do this all for God's glory.

When I asked Christine if there was anything she really wanted me to say about Simple Seed on here, she said to me, "Make sure you say something about giving all the credit to God and this is a journey for me...I'm excited to see where He is going to take me!" I'm super excited to see where this journey is going to take her too! She has so many hopes and dream when it comes to Simple Seed, and I'm more than positive that she is going to get there!

So, instead of me rambling on to you about how great Christine is, I'll turn it over to her! If you ever have any questions about being gluten free...ASK HER! She loves to help you, and will get really excited about it, and make you excited about it too! Gluten free is not as scary as it sounds... Heck, you can still have ice cream and french fries, peanut butter-bacon-chocolate chip-gluten free muffins, and wine :) ..Seriously it's not that scary! It's work though... you do have to give up some stuff-like pizza, but make your own special gluten free pizza! It's still yummy! :)   

Christine has inspired me to try gluten free, and I hope she can inspire you too! 

Here's some pics from the family dinner/breakfast she hosted::
(where obviously everything is gluten free!)

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