Well Hellooooooo!
It's been quite some time I'd say.... basically 1/2 a year?! Oops! But with that, where the heck does time go?! [My apologies to the wonderful brides & grooms, families, and friends who's pictures I got to take, but didn't get to share] .....I have to admit, between moving [twice], working crazy hours [at one point between four jobs], catching up on editing [after a month of no computer], and poor internet....blogging became pretty much the last thing on my agenda. But quite frankly after a much needed break... I'm excited to get back to it.
I'm excited to start the "new year" [of blogging] with one of my best friends, Christine too. I was reallyyy itchin' to use my camera again, so I was ecstatic when Christine agreed to go on an adventure with me in the cold. [I even was brave enough to go in front of the camera myself...something that for some reason feels awkward to me...I'd much rather stick to being the one taking the pictures...]
Christine and I went to high school together, but we weren't friends. It wasn't that we didn't like each other, we just never really had a conversation. Actually, I think I went to her house once for a halloween party? ...Ha! But, after running into each other one day at the YMCA [where she then proceeded to go all Jillian Michaels on me and kick my butt and every muscle not used in the past probably 21 years of my life] Our friendship began.
To someone on the outside, this is how they would probably describe Christine: loves Jesus, likes to blog, obsessed with food, gluten free, bake sales, put together, healthy, a runaholic [it's a thing], fit, smiley, etc.
But when you really get to know Christine, there is so much more to her.... For example, I know this might be a shock to some, but she's actually not that healthy or put together....she just told me she has a doctor appointment next week...I know, I know. Ludicrous. Annnnd...she openly admitted to me last night, that she does not like to run, and that she is not, in fact, a runner......huh, who would of ever thought that? ;)
Look deep inside though, and you will find out so much more than the gluten free things. Christine is really just like you and I in the sense that she too is in need of grace, imperfect, and gets crabby sometimes. [normal...] Christine is also one of the most passionate, adventurous, determined, joyful, strong, faithful, loving, thoughtful, woman I have ever known. She is so smart. She is full of dreams, visions, and zeal. Oh, how she is filled with zeal. And not just ordinary zeal: God-fearing, God-loving, God-chasing zeal. I love that about her. [She also has thee brightest, joyful laugh ever.]
I'm also quickly learning that it's impossible for Christine and I to have a "quick conversation" [if there is such a thing] She is so full of ideas and questions, that conversations between us could [and do] go on for hours and hours. In the past two weeks she has been over to my place for dinner twice, and I quite often in the middle of our conversations founnd myself thinking, this girl is awesome...how did I get so lucky to snag a friend like this? Seriously though...she is really cool. I really have learned so much from her! [example, peanuts are not free of GMO's...I had no idea!] ;) In a lot of ways, Christine and I are different, but in a lot of ways we are the same. We share different passions, and we share similar passions: she loves gymnastics, I love taking pictures, we both love being in the kitchen. We also both love Jesus, a lot. [and talk about Him, a lot]
Christine encourages me, Christine holds me accountable, Christine inspires me, Christine pushes me, Christine gets me. [in fact, as I write this she just stopped by my apartment to drop off a coffee from Biggby, a homemade peanut butter cup, and a hand written note....like I said, she gets me...and quite frankly knows my kryptonite...] ;)
We are most definitely not made to walk through life alone: friends are essential in this life. But when you get to walk through life alongside someone who loves Jesus just as much [if not more] than you do, it is 10000000x's better. And I'm so lucky with that; God has blessed me with some of the most amazing friends and the community I'm surrounded with is absolutely wonderful!
If I could encourage you to do anything, find your Christine...find your community... Fill your life with people who have the same passions and faith as you do. Long for it, search for it, and find it. I promise you that when you fill your life with friends and community centered around faith, this broken, messy life becomes so, so much more beautiful.
My hope is that you get to meet many more of my beautiful friends this year, but for now,
Meet my friend, Christine:
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