Monday, April 28

My dear friend, Erin.

"Friendship is acting out God's love for people in tangible ways. We were made to represent 
the love of God in each other's lives, so that each person we walk through life with 
has a more profound sense of God's love for them. Friendship is an opportunity to act 
on God's behalf in the lives of the people that we're close to, reminding each other who God is. 
When we do the hard, intimate work of friendship, we bring a little more of the divine 
into daily life. We get to remind one another about the bigger, more beautiful picture
 that we can't always see from where we are." -Shauna Niequest, Cold Tangerines.

Erin, you do friendship so well. 

I'm incredibly blessed to have you as a friend, and I'm sure I can speak for a whole lot of other people that they're really thankful to have a beautiful friend like you too. It maybe cliche, but it's also extremely true: you are beautiful inside, and out.  Keep on acting out God's love in your oh so tangible way. 

Love you! xo

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