Monday, May 12

Sierra Irene || Newborn

Guys... I have the greatest job. [Maybe I'm bias...but seriously, I do.]

I'm so excited to introduce to you little miss Sierra Irene. Sierra is named after the Sierra Nevada mountains where her parents spent their first vacation married to each other hiking, and also Karina's mom. She is the most precious little peanut, and I'm so happy I finally got to meet her! 

But what you should really also know, is that Sierra hit the jackpot when it comes to awesome parents! There is no doubt in my mind that Sierra will grow up knowing God's love fully, because of the love her parents will show her. 

I met Ryan + Karina through Young Life. Ryan is a church partner and leads at Allendale High, and Karina is a teacher at Jenison High where she also leads. And if you're lucky like me, you get to hear bits and pieces of their love story [told by Karina, in a cabin full of girls at Timber Wolf Lake...] :) or witness first-hand their faith towards each other, and the Lord. And ever since they announced at one of the Young Life gatherings they were having a baby [and everyone screamed and jumped for joy] we've all been waiting for the day to find out they now have a beautiful daughter! And beautiful she is....just take a look...I'm sure you'll fall in love with her too! ;)

Here's to Sierra! We are all glad you're finally here! <3

1 comment:

  1. Wow these are amazing pictures of your family guys!!! The fifth from the bottom actually looks like you captured her first SMILE. She is such a sweet combination of the two of you...another miracle to behold. God is great and good !! Thanks for sharing her!! Judy Cotts

