Friday, June 6

time to brag a little!

Prepare to be amazed. [not by a single thing to do with me, but all to do with my brother and his friends!] While I visited my family last in MA my 13 year old brother, Mason, asked if I would be willing to take some pictures of him and his friends...Of course I would!! Because duh, that's what big sisters are for, right?! ;) Right! And let me tell you something....[it's not a secret]....these 7th graders are SO extremely talented and SO passionate about what they do; they dance! With ease and beauty they can kick their leg in the air 180° like it's nothing, or leap like they are flying through the air without any thought or effort. I was seriously oohing + aahing behind the camera the whole time and had SO much fun taking these! I also cannot say that I wasn't a little jealous that I can't just pop into the splits in the snap of a finger...[or on count 8] :) I can't get over their talent!...And because he's my little brother, I have to give a quick shout out- I'm so proud of you Mason for chasing your dreams, you are really really really good! And I can't wait to watch you continue to grow and make your debut on Broadway some day! [...and I'm not just saying that from a bias, big sister point of view] ;) But I'll stop thinking out loud now, because I think the pictures have enough to say for themselves....check it out!

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