Friday, August 8

Caitlin // Forward In Faith

Okay...Lots of fabulous pictures coming your way, hope you're ready ;) 

I've googled sunflower fields before and never had much luck... it's always been one of my 'photography dreams' to photograph someone in a sunflower when I finally found one thanks to some friends at church, I was more than excited to go check it out with my camera in hand with none other than Miss Caitlin Sall.

Caitlin is beautiful and stunning and so full of life. She is one of the most bold and courageous people ever to walk this planet. Her faith for the Lord, determination, and stamina is like no one else I know. And she loves to take pictures....perfect! :) 

Caitlin is also a fighter....  and after fighting a raging war against 2 rare types of cancers, Caitlin is still all of the above and so much more. Here's a little about Caitlin's story from Caitlin herself:  

"sometimes it's hard to understand why life is one way and not another, but long story short I did it once and I can do it again. 
I got leukemia from the chemo treatment from synovial sarcoma, my first cancer... #ironic haha. 
my first cancer was really rare and I had it in an even more rare spot and now with this cancer there was a 1% chance of it happening. 
God just wanted to prove to me that I am truly special, unique, and one of a kind. 
he already saved me when he died on the cross for me and whatever comes from this is His good and unfailing plan for my life."

A few minutes before our fabulous shoot together, Caitlin messaged me something to the affect of "I know you're used to outfit changes, but I hope you're ready for some hair changes this time" ...this girl is something else let me tell you. Clothes changes, hair changes, black & white, or color.... Caitlin you can rock anything. Your beauty is beyond radiant from the inside out! 
Keep rocking girl-and kicking cancer's butt! You inspire me great amounts. 

You should all meet Caitlin:

Now I have a favor for you! Will you please join me, and many others, in prayer?! 
Caitlin is having a bone marrow transplant tomorrow at 11:30am at the Helen Devos Children's Hopsital. [Praise the Lord!] Caitlin's donor is from Japan and already has had the procedure done. Pray for safety as the bone marrow makes it's way 1/2 way across the WORLD for tomorrow's procedure. Pray for steady hands and calm hearts. For healing and peace. Pray for strength and assurance for Caitlin and her entire family.
Our God is bigger and stronger than we can wrap our human brains around, and that is something to be so thankful for. And I think it'd only be right to end this post with Caitlin + her family's saying: 
Forward in Faith! <3

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