Wednesday, September 3

Allison // Grandville 2015

Alright, so I'm going through a little bit of denial because I really can't believe I'm sharing Allison's senior pictures with you... Shall we start with a little "way back Wednesday" and go back to 2009? Great, because that is when this whole journey began for me! And it began with these 4 little munchkins that I babysat for. [and Allison happens to be the oldest of the group.]

 These girls are a huge part of how I got to where I am today. No joke, they were with me when I bought my first camera! [and mostly because they were oh-so-willing to be my practice models whenever I asked them to be...] ;)  I couldn't resist going back and sharing at least these two pictures... it's hard to believe they are from my first ever "session"... I never would have guessed this was the start to one of the biggest blessings and greatest journey life has brought me so far, but I'm so thankful it started with these 4 beauties. 

But let's go back to the more important subject at the moment.... Allison. :)
Al, you have grown into a beautiful young lady. I am so incredibly thankful to have a "little sister" like you in my life. You are strong, smart, funny, and most importantly keep me on track with what's cool ;) I can't wait to watch and see where life takes you + hope you have the best senior year ever! Love you girl to the moon + back, keep on being the best!

PS. you're gorgeous. XO

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