Friday, November 30

Kaylee || Senior

TGIF! Today has been so relaxing, and my night will continue that way, yay for a little R+R! (rest + relaxation) My Friday night activities will now consist of dinner with a great friend, blogging, homework, crocheting (my new obsession), Christmas movies with the roomies, and of course eggnog. The holiday season is upon us! I've already watched Elf twice since Thanksgiving, and I'm not mad about it! :)

But on to more important things, I would like you all to meet Kaylee, who is a senior from Sparta. Kaylee has a great personality, and I had so much fun walking around taking her pictures, with her mom and two sisters tagging along. Take a close look at her eyes too folks.... they are TWO different colors! How stinkin AWESOME! I'm a little jealous...! :) Kaylee definitely lucked out too with our lovely Michigan weather, and had her pictures done on one of those fluke, warm, fall days where tank tops and shorts weren't too cold...lucky lucky girl! Thanks for having me take your senior pictures Kaylee, and good luck with the rest of your senior year! 

some beautiful sisters they are! :)

Have a great weekend everyone! Can't believe tomorrow marks December! Can't wait for some snowy sessions :) Thanks for following-leave some love and let me know what you think!

Sunday, November 25

Adventures in Colorado

Well, Thanksgiving Break has come to an abrupt halt. Back to reality... quizzes, tests, exams, papers, cramming and more...Oh how I'm so excited. Sarcasm? Maybe just a little... ;) Bring on Christmas Break! 21 days. 3 Weeks left of this crazy semester! 
Back to Thanksgiving Break, Colorado was amazing. It never fails to let me down. There's something about being there that makes me feel at ease. Of course, all vacations are relaxing, but when I'm in Colorado, I'm truly relaxed. Every time I go there I'm reminded how important family is, how great God is, and how fabulous life can be. It was a great vacation full of many memories I'll never forget. 
top 10 favorite things::
1) Food: Chocolate covered cranberries, grilled turkey, fresh green bean casserole, enchiladas, brie cheese, monkey bread, gingerbread pumpkin cake, mountain pancakes. (My aunt sure knows how to cook.)
2) Hiking: Climbing up the Montgomery was so cold, but so worth the beauty at the top. Ultimate sledding hills for the kids too. I may have complained a bit with the snow in my shoes, but in the end... God's beauty tops just about anything.
3) Turkey Trot: Just being able to say I did a 4 mile race with thousands of people in Colorado is pretty cool I think :)
4) Guns: Something to cross off my bucket list. Shooting guns, all sorts of guns. I can't name them all, nor do I truly know the power of each one of them...But I shot guns for hours, in the middle of nowhere... in some grasslands in Colorado. Cool. 
5) Downtown: Fort Collins has an awesome downtown, even at night. Walking around that last night was a perfect way to end our vacation. Plus, Santa was there...bonus! (And if you ever get a chance to go to Fort Collins, go eat at the 415-most delicious food around...seriously!)
6) Cousins: Being able to see how much they're growing up. How silly and fun loving they are, and the amount of joy and laughter they bring to life. They are precious, and just like their mom and dad. 
7) Humor: Being scared out of my mind because my stepdad and Megan decided to be a fake mountain lion on our hike for instance....
8) Furry Friends: I became friends with a cat this vacation, wouldn't you know... I usually hate cats, but not Jessie. And silly Willy, who has more anxiety than another pup I've met, but has more vigor running up a mountain than any other dog I know.
9) Music: Learning how to play on the Ukulele and Guitar, and having sing-a-longs in the living room.  (Now all I need is to find a guitar to practice some more...)  
10) Family: Being able to spend time with my Aunt Lynelle & Uncle Kevin...they always come up with the best adventures. And spending time with my mom, Greg, and Megan which doesn't get to happen with all four of us very often....Especially seeing everybody relax, slow down,  and enjoy life. 

Vacations are the best.
Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving Break :) 

trying to start fires with glasses and lighter luck.
