Wednesday, November 21

One, Big, Happy Family!

Greetings from Colorado my friends! :) 
It's a late night blog post for all you Michiganders, but for me right now it's only 9:30 and I'm rolling with lots of energy, so what better to do with my energy than to blog! 
Meet Jim, Julie, Roger, Jody, Allison, Hannah, Anna, and Kate! (Phew say that 10x's fast) 
I have known these beautiful people for quite some time now, and I am so lucky for it! Julie & Jim have also adopted me basically as another child of theirs, and have helped me out so much in life. I'm just so, so blessed to have them in my life! ...I started babysitting/ nannying/hanging out (whatever they want me to call it) a few summers ago, and we have had lots of fun together: many beach trips, mall trips, boy talks, girl talks, giggles, crafts, and pancakes. I look at them all like my little sisters, and I can't believe how much they've grown up and matured, and how beautiful they are! I can't wait to see where life takes each and every one of them...
They were also my first ever "official" photo shoot! I remember the day like it was yesterday... I had just bought my Canon Rebel, and we were conveniently already at the park and went picture crazy! These girls give me a run for my money too, because they LOVE getting their pictures taken! (So watch out, there's a few photos ahead) I'm sure they will be on this blog many more times to come...but until then enjoy! :) 

And have a Happy Thanksgiving!! <3 




and these might be my favorite because I know Hannah will very much appreciate them; but just remember Hannah-a mom most often shows her love through silliness and embarrassment ;) 

And just for kicks, here's some oldies from back in the day...

Love you girls with all my heart! xo

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