Thursday, November 22

Colorado Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
I have so much I'm thankful for.... but, I think the number one thing I've been really thankful for this year is opportunities. I've been blessed with so many great opportunities like school, work, photography, young life, traveling, running, moving (in with some fabulous people), I could go on and on. God has truly blessed me with so many amazing opportunities. I'm thankful for days like today too, days that remind me to reflect on all of life's blessings. Of course, I'm thankful most days-but like we talked at dinner, there are so many things we easily take for granted. I'm so thankful for my family, my roommates, my friends, clean water, health, freedom, cameras, and food. Let's not forget the food. ;) 
If you know me, you know that Colorado is my happy place. I love being here, and I always feel so adventurous. I'm so grateful I could spend my Thanksgiving here! We had a fabulous day... I can't quite put it all in words, but that's what the pictures are for! We started off our day with a little Thanksgiving Day Run through downtown Fort Collins, came back to my Aunt's to make some really delicious homemade food (like fresh green bean casserole, sweet potato pecan casserole, cranberry relish, charcoal grilled turkey, and gingerbread pumkin cake...are you drooling yet?!) and ended with a perfect sunset, family football, and my favorite holiday movie ELF! I hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving and found lots to be thankful for...stay safe all you crazy black friday shoppers! 

4 miles later, this was one happy girl to see the finish line! :) 

now that's how you cook a turkey folks ;)

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