Sunday, November 4

Kirsten + Travis || Engaged

Happy Sunday, and Happy November! November already?! Holy moly, I can't believe it! I hope everyone had a fantastic Halloween, and didn't over do it with too much candy! ;) I have to admit, I am super excited for the rest of the fall season. So much to look forward to, so many fun things planned! :) Hoping to get a few personal posts up as well! 

In the mean time, I'm excited to introduce you to Kirsten and Travis! (and my first official engagement session up on the blog woohoo!) I've been pretty lucky to have the chance to get to know Kirsten over the past few years, we go way back to good ole' Botany class with Mr. Rotier at HHS...we've since then spiced things up a bit and changed to many, many lunches at Panera Bread, a much better choice I think! :) She's one great lady, and I think it's fair to say Travis is a pretty lucky guy! They've been together for 7 years now, and when Kirsten asked me to shoot her wedding in April I was beyond excited to say YES! It's going to be grand, I can't wait! :) But until April, here's their lovely fall engagement pics.... Oh, and please...make sure to check out the BEAUTIFUL rock on her finger! (you can't miss it...) Kudos goes to you Travis! 

Enjoy :) 

1 comment:

  1. Simply awesome!! So exciting for the big day to come! Gorgeous couple and beautiful smiles!! Nice job on the photography!
    -Grandma Kooienga

