Friday, November 30

Kaylee || Senior

TGIF! Today has been so relaxing, and my night will continue that way, yay for a little R+R! (rest + relaxation) My Friday night activities will now consist of dinner with a great friend, blogging, homework, crocheting (my new obsession), Christmas movies with the roomies, and of course eggnog. The holiday season is upon us! I've already watched Elf twice since Thanksgiving, and I'm not mad about it! :)

But on to more important things, I would like you all to meet Kaylee, who is a senior from Sparta. Kaylee has a great personality, and I had so much fun walking around taking her pictures, with her mom and two sisters tagging along. Take a close look at her eyes too folks.... they are TWO different colors! How stinkin AWESOME! I'm a little jealous...! :) Kaylee definitely lucked out too with our lovely Michigan weather, and had her pictures done on one of those fluke, warm, fall days where tank tops and shorts weren't too cold...lucky lucky girl! Thanks for having me take your senior pictures Kaylee, and good luck with the rest of your senior year! 

some beautiful sisters they are! :)

Have a great weekend everyone! Can't believe tomorrow marks December! Can't wait for some snowy sessions :) Thanks for following-leave some love and let me know what you think!

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